Johnson and Swint, Weaving Our Lives Together

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Janice Johnson and Ruben Swint, Weaving Our Lives Together: A Stewardship Program for Your Congregation. NACBA Press, 2004.

Referenced in: Giving and Financial Stewardship Summary

This highly acclaimed resource is published by the National Association of Church Business Administrators. The emphasis is on building a strong sense of congregational unity, functioning as community of faith sharing in God’s work. It uses the metaphor of a diverse body weaving a beautiful tapestry as they follow the Spirit’s leading in stewarding their time, talent, and treasure. It also stresses aligning ministry efforts with a well-defined sense of congregational purpose.

From the Publisher

Weaving Our Lives Together is a unique, creative program that will develop more generous and faithful stewards in your congregation. Conceived at First Baptist Church, Greenville, South Carolina, this program has been adopted by congregations across the country. Successful use of WEAVING OUR LIVES TOGETHER will create new givers, increase funding for ministries and programs, increase involvement of members, build a new depth of relationships within your congregation, and develop a greater understanding of your church’s mission, vision, and values.

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